Ways to beat off pandemic stress in the airways

Ways to beat off pandemic stress in the airways

Aside from the global economic breakdown that we’re experiencing, one of the most affected by this pandemic are the airline companies. This has imposed challenging work conditions to the flight attendants who are working on a skeletal basis.  As COVID-19 pandemic plunged airlines into an unprecedented crisis, its impact on the mental health of flying cabin crews became the focus of the topic.

Anxiety, stress, and depression are some of the major causes of mental breakdown. Knowing that the outbreak has been the most challenging season of our lives wherein significant financial losses; possible fear of contracting SARS CoV-2 along with a severe course of the disease; worries about relatives and friends, as well as, uncertainty about the future of their employment are one of the major reasons why it gets harder to outlive stress these days.

 According to the data released by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), over 90% of German planes remained grounded on April 2020. Among the 2020 sample, 87% of flight attendants were not flying but were receiving partial compensation for the loss of pay. The survey revealed that 66% of flight attendants either feared or partly feared losing their jobs due to pandemic and this fear was linked to higher depression, stress, and anxiety symptoms.

Notably, 35% reported that they currently had existential fears while only 3% said they had existential fears before the pandemic. Nearly three-quarters (73%) of the flight attendants said their personal situation had “worsened” because of the pandemic and 53% expected it to get worse in the future. However, 33% expected an improvement in their personal situation due to opportunities for things like better sleep, rest, and time with friends.

In order to break the chains from stress, anxietal problems and depression, here are the few ways you can apply to reduce stress in the airways.

Ways to beat off pandemic stress in the airways

Get rid of the ANTS in your head.  ANTS is an acronym for automatic negative thoughts

From time to time, we get bombarded by negative thoughts especially during this pandemic knowing that a lot had happen together with the uncertainties showing around.  Stop the negative thoughts that create an internal loop which repeats over and over in your mind. 

Apply some Grounding techniques. One type of grounding technique involves compressing body parts and slowly releasing them. Focus entirely on these sensations. Practicing your breathing daily since the airline is a busy runway, other forms of mindfulness, and taking up relaxing yoga may also help.

Mindful distractions. Find something to divert yourself from the feeling in order to help you calm down. Learn different things or a hobby that is not related to work during day off.

Empower yourself. Now that you know these symptoms are a part of your body’s automatic response, remind yourself that this is the time to learn and stand on your own.  Empower yourself with a positive mindset. Look at yourself in the mirror and shower yourself with positive affirmations. It can pull you out of the anxiety.

Exercise. Nowadays, health should be our priority. It may seem strange to exercise in the midst of an anxiety attack, but going for a quick run or extending some of that built-up energy may actually work for you. Your body is preparing itself to run anyway — you might as well take advantage of it.  

Self-care. You can practice self-care in simple ways. Drink herbal tea (but avoid caffeinated tea, as it can increase anxiety). Light candles with a pleasant aroma. Write down your feelings. Turn on some soothing music. Working in the airways during a pandemic is one of the most critical scenes since you load and unload different people at all times especially now that international borders are gradually recovering.

Reach out and communicate. One of the most important key to loosen up our negativities is to talk it out with someone. Have time to call somebody; a friend or a family whenever you feel down or weary. The key to a healthy heart and mind is communication. This is the time to realize that we need each other to break chains from the anxiety brought to us by the crisis.

Lastly, your life has a purpose and you matter.  A lot may have happened during the pandemic but be grateful that you still have a job. You can still call your family; you’re healthy and most importantly, you’re alive. COVID-19 will be over so keep a positive mindset and let peace take over despite the chaos we are in. 

We are here for a purpose; you are still here for a purpose. Continue to believe in yourself because a lot will be coming for us so don’t stop now. Life isn’t over for us yet and keep on flying! 

For more Filipino flight attendant related content, you may check-out our YouTube channel FLYHIGH MEDIA, our Facebook and Instagram pages, FLYHIGHMANILA.

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